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Nov 2009
A cop's chief!

We are pleased that Chief-selectee Charlie Beck has not wasted any time in articulating that he is his own person – and not a clone of recently departed Chief Bratton.  While pledging to build on the significant progress of the last six years in reshaping the LAPD, Beck seized the opportunity presented by his appearance before The LA Times editorial board to contrast himself in style and strategy from Bratton.

In comments sure to warm the hearts of LAPD rank and file, Beck told The Times:  “The only way that real change is made is from the bottom up. You can mandate change from the top … but the only way an organization really changes is from the roots up; that’s much more powerful. So what you’ll see is different with me is I’m going to concentrate on the roots of the organization."  Later in the interview, he said, “I think I have a little more of a common touch, much more of a common touch. I think that maybe at the end of the day you’ll think of me more of a cop’s chief rather than a leader-manager.”  [Source:]

A cop’s chief.  The characterization rings true for those of us who know Chief Beck well and for those who are getting to know him better each day. We await his confirmation at City Council by unanimous vote and look forward to working with him on issues important to the membership and the future of public safety in our city.  



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