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Nov 2009
Time to speak up!

We are pleased to see Chief Beck’s confirmation process going smoothly at City Hall. We expect a unanimous confirmation vote by the Council on November 17 when it returns from the National League of Cities’ annual conference in San Antonio, Texas.

We are also pleased to read Chief Beck’s comments regarding the relationship he envisions with the LAPPL. This is what he told the Los Angeles Times’ editorial board shortly after being nominated by Mayor Villaraigosa: "I think the union is a huge ally. I think that a manager that ignores the authority and power of a union, such as some of ours have done in the past, ignores a huge opportunity to mold his workforce. So the union is very important. Do I think we're going to agree on all issues? No."

In the near future, the LAPPL Board of Directors will sit down with Chief Beck for what we expect will be the first in a series of regular partnership meetings. We are committed to doing our part to keep the lines of communication open by listening carefully and being very clear about our goals in representing our members.

We want to hear from the membership on topics you feel should be addressed in our initial meeting with Chief Beck. You can post your ideas as comments to this blog; tweet your ideas to @LAPPL; email us at [email protected]; or speak with one of your delegates.

The important thing is to let us know your hot button issues for our first sit-down with the new Chief of Police. With so many ways to be heard, we urge you to speak up. We look forward to your participation in our long and mutually productive relationship with Chief Beck.



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