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Aug 2009
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger responded Thursday to a slackened California Highway Patrol 911 response system and ordered that furloughs of the agency's dispatchers be rescinded. "The California Highway Patrol has been working very hard to...
Aug 2009
A controversial prison bill that would have reduced California's inmate population by 27,000 has been significantly watered down by state Assembly lawmakers who pushed aside a plan to allow some prisoners to finish their sentences at home...
Aug 2009
Skid Row beat cop Deon Joseph wants successful African-American and Latino-American adults to tell local kids that they're "JustLike U." Los Angeles Police Department Senior Lead Officer Deon Joseph sees plenty of what's wrong as he goes...
Aug 2009
The state is closing California's largest youth prison as the population of juvenile delinquents in state custody continues to decline, corrections officials announced today. The facility, the Heman G. Stark Youth Correctional Facility in...

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