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Rosalind Curry

Los Angeles Police Officer III

Police Officer III Rosalind Curry is a native of Southern California, born and raised in Los Angeles. Roz has been a member of the Los Angeles Police Department for twenty-three years. “Roz,” as she is endearingly known throughout the Department, is currently assigned to the Employee Assistance Unit. Roz is the lead Department Funeral Coordinator, the Children’s Support Group Coordinator, and a tenured Department Honor Guard member. In all facets of her diverse assignments, Roz displays the true essence of leadership by continually inspiring others to achieve their fullest potential, by expressing heartfelt compassion to those who have suffered the greatest loss one can suffer…the loss of a loved one, and by always maintaining a positive outlook which serves as a beacon of hope, inspiration, and leadership to the countless people she assists.

As a funeral coordinator, Roz is tasked with the immensely important job of ceremoniously honoring Department employees, sworn and civilian, who have died in the line-of-duty or on active duty status. Additionally, Roz works closely with Department employees who have suffered the loss of a dependent child, spouse, or domestic partner. A critical component of her assignment is to assist surviving family members with every aspect of coping with a death from providing a shoulder to cry on, to the more pragmatic tasks of funeral service planning and assisting overwhelmed survivors navigate through the City’s esoteric paperwork required for survivors to receive benefits. During this process, Roz provides much needed emotional support, practical support, and the leadership necessary to guide the individuals through these times of incredible heartache. Roz recognizes the significance of this assignment and the privilege it is to provide such an important service to the members of our fine organization as well as their loved ones.

Roz has been a member of the Department’s prestigious Honor Guard for sixteen years. As a member, Roz has represented the Department at hundreds of public and private events including tributes to fallen officers throughout California, Sacramento, and Washington. In many ways, the honor guard is the face of the Department. As such, great care is taken during the selection process for honor guard members. Of all the criteria to become part of the honor guard, a strong sense of leadership and integrity is paramount. Roz embodies all that is necessary to be a member in good standing of this prestigious group.

Roz has been a member of the Peer Support program for seventeen years and former peer support coordinator. As a peer support member, Roz has helped countless Department employees during times of hardship. Roz’ willingness to share her experiences with those in need of guidance truly makes a difference in letting others know they too can overcome crisis and ultimately achieve the strength needed to remain resilient through seemingly insurmountable personal conflict.

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