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Jul 2009
Bratton gives city authority over TV, film shoot cops

Police Chief William Bratton has agreed to give the city's General Services Department authority over retired and off-duty officers who moonlight as security guards at movie and television shoots, a city councilman said Friday.

Bratton had intended to ban those officers from wearing Los Angeles Police Department badges and uniforms while controlling crowds or managing traffic at filming locations starting Sept. 20. He had previously claimed authority over the issue, despite objections from City Council members.

Councilman Greig Smith, who chairs the Public Safety Committee, introduced a motion Friday to give the council, rather than the chief, final say on who can wear the LAPD uniform. He was supported by at least five other members.

Within hours of the motion being filed, Smith sent an e-mail to Councilman Dennis Zine, saying that "Chief Bratton has already capitulated on the Movie cops and will work with us to transition the unit over to the General Services Office of Public Safety."

Bratton wanted the movie-set security guards to wear white shirts and black pants to differentiate them from LAPD officers, largely for liability reasons.

The officers say they need to wear the uniforms to give them authority in crowd and traffic control situations. The studios back them up, saying they are concerned about the potential for security and higher costs.

Among other things, Bratton has proposed creating a new division that would allow regular LAPD officers to work overtime on the movie sets.

Smith's motion notes there has been a continuing rise in runaway production because of the costs of filming in the state and there is a concern the Bratton policy will further drive away productions.

Smith's motion is expected to come before the full City Council on Tuesday.



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