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Jun 2009
LA cops urge city hall to have Lakers pay for their own parade

For Immediate Release
Contact: Eric Rose (805) 624-0572 or
Paul Haney (626) 755-4759

Los Angeles, June 14, 2009 – Citing deep financial problems in the City of Los Angeles and the likelihood that city workers will be laid off and furloughed, Paul M. Weber, President of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, issued the following statement regarding the anticipated Lakers parade estimated to cost taxpayers more than $1 million dollars:

"With the Los Angeles Lakers on the verge of another NBA championship, Councilman Bernard Parks suggests the city should pick up the cost of hosting a parade even as he supports laying off city workers and slashing government services. Notwithstanding his continual support for slashing both the number of city workers, as well as pay and benefits for those remaining, Parks would spend dwindling city funds for an over-the-top celebration. His flimsy rationalization is that such an event occurs "once a decade." That will be news to all Lakers' fans who remember the team's championship just seven years ago."

"At a time of financial crisis, when the public expects – and quite frankly should demand – city leaders to be good stewards of every tax dollar, it is foolish for elected officials to favor spending $1 million tax dollars on a three-hour parade. We have great hopes that the NBA and the Lakers, which made millions during the playoffs, will step up and help fund this celebratory civic event. Everyone loves a parade, but we feel strongly in this case, the Lakers or other private funds should pay for it."

About the LAPPL
Formed in 1923, the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) represents the more than 9,800 dedicated and professional sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPPL serves to advance the interests of LAPD officers through legislative and legal advocacy, political action and education. The LAPPL can be found on the Web at



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