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Oct 2010
My Last Word on Financial Disclosure – WASN’T

On February 1, 2010, “My Last Word on Financial Disclosure” was posted on our blog. While the politics, mismanagement and ill-prepared and executed consent decree negotiation that resulted in the current financial disclosure requirement do make me crazy, I really intended to say my peace and move on. But our Department leadership just won’t let me!

The Chief feels great pressure to have our officers sign financial disclosure documents and join gang and narcotics units. Unfortunately, it seems that his desire to convince people that the requirements of financial disclosure are insignificant has led to misguided and erroneous statements by the police performance auditor, who is primarily responsible for the auditing of financial disclosure forms. I documented some of the misleading information that was provided during a meeting at Mission Area in an email that I forwarded to him. You can read that email here. In a nutshell, I, along with the entire Board of Directors, consider any effort to minimize the possible effects of financial disclosure or the audit process required as a ploy to entice people into signing it.

My feelings on financial disclosure have not changed. Unfortunately, neither have the requirements, the special order, or the dangers and pitfalls. I do not believe there will be any positive changes to the financial disclosure policy unless police officers refuse to sign it.

If you have been told that something has changed, please ask for it in writing. If you are going to attend an informational meeting and use that information to make your decision, please make an audio recording of the meeting (with everyone’s knowledge, of course) and keep it for future reference.

Financial disclosure is a source of frustration for all of us. However, the Department leadership has an obligation to provide accurate information unless they want a topic that is already so hotly contested to also become divisive.



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