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Apr 2009
This short article is not intended to be a medical or scientific discussion of the current strain of flu or its treatment. Instead, this piece is meant to inform law enforcement of some of the many unique threats and assets that may...
Apr 2009
DNA leads detectives to John Thomas Jr., 72. He is held in two slayings, but police suspect he may have killed up to 30 elderly Westside and Claremont women a decade apart. The first wave of slayings haunted Los Angeles in the mid-1970s....
Apr 2009
In the weeks leading up to the tepid re-election of Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa last month, Bill Bratton, the statistics-driven chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, appeared on TV in a political advertisement paid for by...
Apr 2009
Police and fire services would diminish under a furlough plan designed to save the city money, the Los Angeles City Council's Budget and Finance Committee was told today as deliberations began on the city's proposed $7.04 billion budget....

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