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Jan 2009
In a post from January 14, I wrote about LAPD officers being ordered not to wear their helmets and face shields while facing pro-Palestinian demonstrators at the Federal Building in West Los Angeles. The wearing of helmets, the officers...
Jan 2009
Los Angeles City Councilman Dennis Zine is seeking a full accounting of a Jan. 10 incident in which an LAPD officer not wearing his riot helmet was hit in the head with the wooden end of a sign during a protest over the Israeli invasion of...
Jan 2009
The police union warns members that submitting genetic evidence could lead to invasions of privacy. Department officials say the practice is needed to investigate serious use-of-force cases. Since its arrival as a crime-fighting tool, Los...
Jan 2009
An audit finds that the city's fleet vehicles cost tens of millions of dollars and that their use is not always justified and poorly monitored. Driving a company car home each night with free gas and maintenance has long been a cushy perk...

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