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Sep 2009
A three-judge federal court panel has refused California's bid to hold off on coming up with a plan to release more than 40,000 inmates from the state's prison system, forcing the state to keep working on clearing its prisons while...
Sep 2009
State Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown today warned Californians who want to help wildfire victims to avoid "sham charities" that rip off good Samaritans after big disasters. "After virtually every disaster, scam artists come out of the woodwork to...
Sep 2009
A memorial is planned later this week for the two Los Angeles County firefighters who lost their lives in the Station fire, an official said today. The details have yet to be worked out but Capt. Roland Sprewell said it will probably take...
Sep 2009
In case you were wondering, the state Assembly's prison bill vote on Monday wasn't exactly 100 percent along party-lines. All of the 41 "yes" votes were cast by Democrats, but not all of the 35 "no" votes came from Republicans. Five...

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