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Aug 2009
Chief of staff Robin Kramer is leaving and being replaced by the city's anti-gang czar, the Rev. Jeff Carr. Also departing is the No. 2 policy advisor.Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced Thursday a shake-up of his...
Aug 2009
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger responded Thursday to a slackened California Highway Patrol 911 response system and ordered that furloughs of the agency's dispatchers be rescinded. "The California Highway Patrol has been working very hard to...
Aug 2009
A controversial prison bill that would have reduced California's inmate population by 27,000 has been significantly watered down by state Assembly lawmakers who pushed aside a plan to allow some prisoners to finish their sentences at home...
Aug 2009
Skid Row beat cop Deon Joseph wants successful African-American and Latino-American adults to tell local kids that they're "JustLike U." Los Angeles Police Department Senior Lead Officer Deon Joseph sees plenty of what's wrong as he goes...

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