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Aug 2009
The state is closing California's largest youth prison as the population of juvenile delinquents in state custody continues to decline, corrections officials announced today. The facility, the Heman G. Stark Youth Correctional Facility in...
Aug 2009
Michael Berkow, the former head of LAPD's internal affairs unit, has resigned as chief of police in Savannah, GA to join a division of the company that recently hired LAPD chief William Bratton. Berkow says he was approached about the job...
Aug 2009
The mayor wants to select a permanent replacement for William J. Bratton by the time the chief leaves Oct. 31. But the Personnel Department's timeline for the process makes that seem unlikely.The search for Los Angeles' next police chief...
Aug 2009
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger called members of the Assembly gutless Wednesday for not passing his package to cut prison spending. "They don't have the guts to now make these decisions because they're more worried about their safe seats...

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